viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011

The ignorance of the girl

She was sitting in her room all by herself thinking about what is the love. Not she isn't in love.
She is trying to understand what is that thing that everyone's wants and no one can keep.
Only she can understand a little what love is when is reading about it on the novels and shoujo manga.
But everytime that she tried to feel the love with some random guy, she only won bullshit and a bunch of idiot thoughts.
She never give up, she try and try to end with her ignorance. Because the only thing what she can think is:"Why I can't feel the love?"

One day she start her search: why I always run and broke the chemistry? and Why I don't give a shit when it comes to this?

Why it has to be main  subject the "LOVE" ?

jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

Damn Lovely

Pecado / Sin

Lo he pensado mucho, y llegue a la conclusión de que nosotros somo el pecado en si, ya que ¨pecado¨ por si solo es solo una palabra con un significado, pero solo existe gracias a nosotros, que somos quienes aplicamos o llevamos a cabo dicho significado, en pocas palabras Pecado: falta contra la moral, el projimo y al amor de Dios.

Y como llegamos a aplicar ese significado?? Simple, al robar, al mentir, al fornicar(pisar, coger, rebanar,etc) y otros cuantos mas, llamados pecados.
Asi que mis almas en pena...estamos hechos de puro pecado..mi favorito es la Lujuria, ya que gracias a ella, llegamos a varios mas, y bueno, quien no se resiste a un lujurioso??
No digo que todo eso sea algo bueno, solo que...asi es y asi sera hasta que muramos.

I have been thinking a lot , and I end with a conclution: We are the sin by itself. Because "Sin" is just a word with a meaning, but only exist by us, the ones who do the meaning of "sin". And how we apply that meaning? Simple, we steal, lie, fuck, and a lot of many others sins. My cute and lost souls; we are made of pure sin. My favorite is the Lust that carry us to tha path of many others sins.

I do not say than is something good, I am just saying the true and that true will reamain until our death. We only can change our actions.

one of my drawings :3

Daddy's Glam

Ok people I know the quality of the pictures is a shit. But please be more kind with me. I do not have money to buy a good camera.
I posted this look on lookbook long time ago. But you know they are fierce about looks, so they crushed me down. But I can not hate them, I love Lookbook! (Who doesn't?)
I haveweakness with  overzise clothes, though this type of clothes  does not illuminate very well for my type of body. I cannot avoid use this type of clothes. It seemed that I steal the clothes from my father. I like the look but nevertheless the location of the photography not. For me is very difficult to find an excellent place for my photographies for lookbook. This was one of my first looks.
I am sorry for my grammar.

Para los que hablan español , perdonen por la mala calidad de mi fotografía, el asunto es que no tengo el dinero como para comprar una excelente cámara como yo quisiera. Coloque este look en lookbook hace un buen tiempo, de hecho fue uno de los primeros que hice. La verdad me fue fatal y no tan bien como esperaba. Pero aun así no me importa pues verán se en que falle y nunca podría despreciar Lookbook, adoro ese lugar. 

Yo siempre he tenido cierta debilidad por la ropa unas tallas mas grande que la mía (ni que fuera tan delgada) Y hasta pareciera que le robe la ropa a mi padre. En si, el look me gusto mas sin embargo el fondo o lugar donde me tomaron la fotografía no. Para mi es muy difícil encontrar un buen lugar para mis fotografías mas el hecho de tener una cámara vieja y de mala calidad. (Y una fotógrafa indispuesta)

Necesito aprender a posar. -__-

New Ripped Style.

The new ripped style is my style.

Everything what I want is to be successful for me. If  you like what I will show you, it will be cool. But if it is not like that,  I trust that is not  for nothing personal.

My ripped style shows my broken wings. In many ways like; drawings, fashion and writing.
I will be glad if you join with me inside my wicked mind.

Kath S.